Afterburner Dental Technologies serves globally to dentist to incorporate digital dentistry treatment planning delivering on-time results around the world. we give Services of scanning, cad, milling and color shading.
Copyright and Disclaimer for Using Our Digital Services such Teeth Scanning, Dental CAD, Teeth Milling and Color Shading.
Copyright and Disclaimer
The material on this website is used under contract, owned or licensed by Afterburner Dental Technologies Pte. Ltd. (Afterburner Dental Technologies), unless we indicate otherwise. You may make a copy of the material for your personal use. You are not otherwise authorized to copy, reproduce or communicate the material without our prior written permission. Each image, illustration, drawing, sketch, doodle, photo, video on this web site is legally protected by International Copyright laws, and may NOT be copied and used for reproduction in any manner without written consent from Afterburner Dental Technologies Pte.Ltd. All pictures on this web site are Copyrighted © Afterburner Dental Technologies, or are provided under contract to Afterburner Dental Technologies for use and are for viewing purposes only. Any usage of any image must be agreed upon by Afterburner Dental Technologies in writing. No image on this web site may be used for any purpose without express written consent of the Copyright holder, Afterburner Dental Technologies. Unauthorized usage of these images is prohibited by International Copyright Law. Infringements will be charged to the infringing party at triple the industry-standard for usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright infringement, where they will be subject to Arbitration and damages no less than US $100,000.00 statutory damages, for each image used, as well as court costs and all other fees.
The material on this website is used under contract, owned or licensed by Afterburner Dental Technologies Pte. Ltd. (Afterburner Dental Technologies), unless we indicate otherwise. You may make a copy of the material for your personal use. You are not otherwise authorized to copy, reproduce or communicate the material without our prior written permission. Each image, illustration, drawing, sketch, doodle, photo, video on this web site is legally protected by International Copyright laws, and may NOT be copied and used for reproduction in any manner without written consent from Afterburner Dental Technologies Pte.Ltd. All pictures on this web site are Copyrighted © Afterburner Dental Technologies, or are provided under contract to Afterburner Dental Technologies for use and are for viewing purposes only. Any usage of any image must be agreed upon by Afterburner Dental Technologies in writing. No image on this web site may be used for any purpose without express written consent of the Copyright holder, Afterburner Dental Technologies. Unauthorized usage of these images is prohibited by International Copyright Law. Infringements will be charged to the infringing party at triple the industry-standard for usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright infringement, where they will be subject to Arbitration and damages no less than US $100,000.00 statutory damages, for each image used, as well as court costs and all other fees.
The material on this website is intended to provide general information about Afterburner Dental Technologies and in summary form, about its products and services. While we have used all reasonable endeavors to ensure that the information on this website is as accurate as possible, we cannot guarantee that the material is accurate, complete, current or fit for any purpose.